Who We Are

Global Leader In Providing Best-in-class Railway Solutions

We are an integrated railway solutions provider with strategic business operations in 20 cities across the globe and international offices situated in Hong Kong, Macao, China, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.

Established 15 years ago in Hong Kong, we are a private limited company with a proven track record of delivering cost-effective and future-forward railway solutions to our customers worldwide. Our strong commitment towards becoming a global leader in this field has enabled us to build up a growing customer base of more than 60 corporations globally and a workforce of more than 60 employees and associates.

  • 15
  • Years of
  • 5
  • Registered
    Offices Worldwide
  • 70+
  • Projects Completed
    Since 2008
  • 20
  • Cities Globally with
    Projects References


Drives Us

Our Vision
To be a global leader in railway systems and railway engineering works.
Our Mission
KDL delivers cost-effective and future-forward railway solutions of top quality and safety— connecting communities, regions and nations across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
  • P
  • People-first
    We’re in the business of connecting people.

We believe railways don’t just connect places, but its true value is in its ability to connect people. To other people. To places. To better resources.

As consultants, we’re committed to providing all users along the value chain with the best end-to-end experience, top notch safety and quality through our services.

  • I
  • Ingenuity
    We are ever-evolving in our expertise, knowledge and training.

The world, our technology and how we interact with it is constantly in flux and progressing. And we make it a point to keep up.

To adhere to new innovations, we are constantly evolving our knowledge, training, and diversifying our services to provide bespoke solutions for unique infrastructure, technology and city-wide trends.

  • V
  • Versatility
    We strive to deliver solutions that align with our clients’ unique objectives
Our strength as a network of agile and specialised professionals is our ability to mobilise quickly, adapt our services and collaborate with our clients—to offer unique services and to meet specific customer needs.
  • O
  • Operational Excellence
    We deliver the best in quality, safety & cost-effectiveness.

We make it a point to understand the needs and concerns of our clients—and to deliver solutions of excellent standards.

To that end, our focus is in providing railway solutions of 1) top quality, 2) high safety standards, while 3) optimising cost efficiencies.

  • T
  • Training
    We foster excellence in the engineering community through nurturing talent.

We’re committed to helping our engineering community thrive along with us.

Through training and mentorship programs, our aim is to share our collective knowledge and expertise to uplift growing companies and an international network of professionals and engineers.



No. 1
Railway Consultant

(in terms of market share)

to Highway Department of
HKSAR Government

No. 1
Railway Consultant

(in terms of market share)

on Asset Condition Assessment to
Land Transport Authority Singapore

One of The Largest
Railway System Consultants

in Malaysia
(our local subsidiary in Kuala Lumpur)

Highly Diversified
in Railway Works

covering consultancy of all aspects,
training, CBM solution for Predictive
Maintenance and SMART railway

  • 27
  • Total projects completed In 2021 and 2022
  • 30+
  • Total number of currentactive projects (as at Dec 2022)
  • 45+
  • Full-time Hires & Associates
    in Hong Kong offices as of 2023

Our Growing


Subsidiary Of

Key Direction

At Key Direction Limited, we’re in the business of Connecting. Not just places.

But connecting people in an ever-changing and ever- expanding world. We strive to challenge the Now to adapt for Tomorrow.

Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong



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